Our Vision

The Marketing Insights Project is primarily a digital hub driven by content that discusses events, campaigns, case studies and strategies practised in the industry, with the help of marketing concepts and theories. This will be a resource pool for marketers, students, novices and all other stakeholders who are in need of marketing practices for their various endeavours.

Initially, this will be a blog website comprising articles written by numerous professionals and academics based on the events and examples both local and global. All content delivered through articles adheres to a value proposition, which is crafted at the heart of the project.

Value Proposition of Content

The marketing insights website is all about sharing smart knowledge. Every post and blog is designed to deliver something valuable. They talk about marketing news, trends, and events in a way that makes you think, using ideas from marketing theories. They also explore business strategies but look at them from a marketing perspective. The coolest part? Each article has a special section that highlights the most important marketing lesson you can learn from it. It’s like getting the best nugget of wisdom from every read!

Message from the Co-founders

The inspiration to initiate a platform of this kind grew since the day I began to learn marketing management. The majority of marketing lessons were backed by foreign brands and products but only a handful of local examples were seen in lecture rooms. Accordingly, among other gaps we figured out, the undying desire to elevate local brands & products stands as the biggest.

In my belief, marketers must always learn from the environment he/ she lives in and put it into practice with their own senses. Well, to do that you need plenty of examples from the practical world to learn, be inspired and put them into action. That’s the thought process fueled in bringing Marketing Insights as a collaborative project to the marketing fraternity. Join us in this exciting journey of discovering, learning, and growing together as we bridge the gap between classroom theories and practical marketing wisdom.

Yasmin Gunathilake
Marketing Professional
Asanka Aiya

Marketing Insights serves as a comprehensive knowledge hub designed to inspire marketers at all levels. It encompasses a fusion of practical work experiences with the systematic collection and analysis of data, including extensive Big Data analysis and strategic implementation. Through this platform, marketers can achieve a deeper comprehension of consumers, customers, competitors, and the industry as a whole.

Functioning as an accessible and unrestricted forum, “Marketing Insights” allows seasoned marketing professionals to contribute their perspectives, viewpoints, and personal experiences. Moreover, it provides an avenue for offering constructive feedback on pertinent campaigns or strategies. This collaborative environment aims to facilitate knowledge-sharing, fostering inspiration among both students and seasoned marketers alike.

Asanka Perera
Marketer by Profession
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